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xxxvii.-(2018). ‘Displacement and Tribal Rights: A Study on Forest Dwellers in Melghat Tiger Reserve’ in Development, Displacement and Tribal Life (Ed. Mollick), 52-65, New Delhi: K.K. Publication
Books Published:-
1. 2014 Tribal People of Central India: Problems and Prospects. K.K. Publication, New Delhi
2. 2014 मध्य भारत के आदिवासी समस्याएं एवं संभावनाए, K.K. Publication, New Delhi.
3. 2015. आदिवासी अशांति: कारण, चुनौतियाँ एवं संभावनाएं, K.K. Publication, New Delhi.
4. 2016. Tribal unrest in Central India : Causes, Challenges and Possibilities, K.K. Publication, New Delhi.
5.-(2018). ‘Development, Displacement and Tribal Life’ (Ed. Mollick), New Delhi: K.K. Publication